
Showing posts from April, 2010

Final Project for Advanced Lighting--> Product Shots

 For my final projec t in Advanced Lighting, I choose to do product shots for Guitar Player and other musical instrument magazines. The scenario of this final project was that we were allowed to choose from any type of magazine whether it be from Playboy to Better Homes and Gardens , and to assumed that we as a photographer have been hired to shoot for those magazines. Requirements for the project are to provide 8 sold images and make prints that you would see from those magazines, and as optional create actually magazine layouts. Here are just a few images from my final project...



Gunpowder & Lead: Cowboys Beware!

My latest project from my Advance Lighting Class: Two portraits of a sophomore photo major that portrays their personality.

Late Night Photo Work

It is 12am and I am printing the final image for my senior show entitled "Almost Maine: A Photographic Documentary," and at the same time working on the images for my sophomore project for Lighting 2. I have devoted 3 months out my senior year to complete this photo documentary. Earlier today I was informed by a friend of mine that I am the only person that he knows on campus that is the most dedicated to my passion, photography! I took this has a heavy compliment and used this to push myself to work even more harder to finish this senior show project and for my current photo project in Lighting 2. I feel that is very true to were I eat, sleep, and breath photography. If you have never met me and you walk up to start a conversation with me, I guarantee that within the first 5mins of that conversation I would compare the topic with something to do with photography. Be sure to check out the next posted for the blog hopefully instead of typing words which I'm not that great ...

New Images from Advanced Lighting

Here are just few images from my Advanced Lighting 2 class. All images are done with using one main light source (electronic flash w/ umbrella) and a reflector.