Yesterday, was my first day working with well known Norfolk photographer Glen McClure. I have known Glen for almost year and so far he has been the first photographer that has taken me under his wing since I graduated from college and has hired me as his assistant. For my first paid gig I woke up at 6 am, got dressed and hopped into my truck, drove to his house in Norfolk, and from there drove 3 1/2 hours to "Shady Side, Maryland" to assist him with his new self project entitled An Endangered Species: Watermen of the Chesapeake Bay portrait project. While working with Glen, I was in charge of doing many things such as: loading and off loading his equipment, assembling his lighting equipment and positioning them on his subjects, and uploading his raw digital images while providing him with fresh memory cards to be formatted and ready to go! Earlier today, was my 2nd day of work. I drove to downtown Norfolk to meet him at his studio and from there I helped him setup a ...